Activity 18: Research HTML | Aligan, Rhed N.

Activity 18: Research HTML | Aligan, Rhed N.

Without CSS, this is the header including of nav, the unordered list, to navigate within the same page go through or use ids by section name.

This one use a section id for accessing them through header. Disregards for now of have a classes name because this will be use in a further expand of code just in case in the image above include the article, the paragraph tags, and headings.

Since I love shoes, I do a various brand which use unordered list as brand name and as ordered list as their types of each brand. In addition, there’s a headings h3 so it can determine web in display in a web page.

In this code snippets, use table with a section name “table”. Using <tr> tags to make and define a row in a table. it will divide based on the <td> tags. Every <tr> tags pair is equivalent of another row in a table. using <th> tags are use to make a heading in table.

In the next code snippets shows form wherein include my comment to easy understand and for clarity. using label and input to be connected to each other using for in label and name. it also shows of the types of input and the required when the text box is empty, can’t be able to process to submit.

This is div container with an order list. with a section named “div”.

As you can see Inside container div named “URLS” there’s another container called images. The purpose of its container is to make seperate and can ably modify or change them as a whole. So therefore, in the next code is also inside of div with a class named “URLS”. src use to access, before that the image you access must be in the same folder not in the other path or folders. alt as a placeholder. with a little bit style since my default image was more width and height.

Next, as you can see there’s no display occur in web page for the reason that, canvas requires a JavaScript to draw but we are in the instruction of just HTML. width and height are just like a text area where you can draw with a JavaScript functionalities.

In addition, our video in business is in the same folder, you can in other path, but this is not organized and not best practice. its shows also the type of video. When the video is not supported or invalid the text will be shown.

In embedding YouTube, you can have by getting embedded link just go to YouTube and look and click the video you want, find the share button below and there’s an option including the embedded link just like this:

Next code is the DRAG and DROP:

Since it’s only html. the functionalities of Drag and Drop are not working display, but in html it shows that using properties of draggable that is true, while in Drop, using an event that requires of JavaScript, it shows the accessing for instances the variable named “event” in JavaScript.

In footer tags, commonly use as a credits and owner of the web page. using &copy can ably have a Unicode U+00A9 representing of © That this page or website are all right reserved and/or credited of the owner. span tags use for non-line break tags so it can be continuous within the line compared of the <p> tags have a line break default.