GitHub Repository Management

This is only brief discussion to easier manage our project at the same time has a good commands

In the case that you only available to pull (view) the project in your friends or someone, (not available to push) you can able to use your own repository at the same time when you pull method still in your friends repository

Git fetch --all //If you want to fetch (Kunin) ALL remotes in the github to be fetch.

//You can specify using
Git fetch origin 
Git fetch master

//Afterwards, the following must be use

git init 
//git add . this is optional since you have already done the files, but for safety, you can able also this
git remote add upstream <url of the repository of your friends project
git pull upstream main //main is the branch of your project repo of your friend, it can be also a master

git pull upstream main --force //If  you want to force, it can overwritten all changes in your localhost
                               //Otherwise, if you --force it, your changes in your local host will be
                               //Overwritten by the main branch of the project friend's repository.

T H A N K Y O U ! ! !

→ R H E D .